tänzer is a very lightweight web server framework which utilizes the inherent beauty of Tcl's builtin event loop to great effect. tänzer hopes to uphold the idea of an anti-framework: To stay out of the way as much as possible and provide only the bare minimum boilerplate basics of providing for most HTTP service needs. A great emphasis is placed on performance, simplicity, understandability, and low project overhead.
The socket responder, session keeper, log manager, error handler and request handler routing table.
The error handling and reporting facility.
The request logging facility.
The request handler routing table.
The HTTP session management class.
The base HTTP message class providing semantics for parsing and encoding HTTP messages of any sort.
The HTTP request class.
The HTTP response class.
Base class for implementing request handlers which forward requests to other programs and services.
The request handler which provides static file service.
The request handler which dispatches inbound requests to CGI executables.
The request handler which dispatches inbound requests to SCGI services.
The request handler which dispatches inbound requests to external HTTP services.
The inbound HTTP request parser. This is the default first responder to inbound connections.
The inbound SCGI request parser. This allows one to serve their tänzer applications as an SCGI service.
RFC 2616 timestamp parsing and generation package.
Request path and URI manipulation routines.